Hello , my name is Michelle.
I am a naturopath. I was born in Curitiba, Brazil, and in the last decade I have literally traveled around the world, where I had the opportunity to live in Australia, New Zealand, and finally Portugal.
I am a naturopath. I was born in Curitiba, Brazil, and in the last decade I have literally traveled around the world, where I had the opportunity to live in Australia, New Zealand, and finally Portugal.
Graduate in Naturopathy, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine and Homeopathy from the Australasian College of Natural Therapies in Sydney, Australia (2006 to 2009).
My mission is to help my clients reach a state of complete physical and mental well-being, and to ensure that they have all the essential tools to achieve a healthy and energetic life. For the rest of your life!
With my help, we can 'rearrange' your brain and train your taste buds, so that you really feel like eating healthy food and want to live healthy.
I believe in creating habits throughout life, rather than relying on willpower alone, because we all know that willpower alone DOES NOT WORK!
(and others that don't)
1 Having good health is fundamental to living a life full of joy. A life where you can maximize every opportunity with your family, your friends, with yourself and in your career
2 When it comes to weight loss, I don't believe in diets. Although they are a good starting point at the beginning of a weight loss process, diets are simply repetitions of obvious things and are boring. In the long term, I believe that it is better to exchange them for new eating habits, which over the course of a lifetime will enable us to make better decisions
3 To have knowledge is to have power. Power to make a change for the better. I believe in empowering my clients by giving them the essential information they need to make the right decisions, and thus be healthier and happier.
4 I believe in taking one step at a time. Each goal achieved will build confidence and lead to greater accomplishments in health and life. What's the point of setting unattainable goals, only to then feel depressed and give up halfway through?
5 Every action has a consequence and I believe in taking responsibility for one's own life
I haven't always had a balanced life like I have today. And when I say balanced, I mean all the pillars necessary to have a truly healthy life: nutrition, physical activity, quality of sleep, stress control, taking care of mental health, and having healthy relationships. I went through a phase in which I did not respect my limits and consequently this resulted in anxiety crises, insomnia, and finally burnout. My body, but mainly my mind, was out of balance, it was then that I decided to change.
It was also when I realized that healthy living goes far beyond good nutrition and physical activity. But my habits didn't change overnight. I gradually became more resilient, stopped having panic attacks so often, and felt more vibrant and at peace. My skin started to glow. My eyes began to glow. My choices were having direct impacts, and I could see them.
It is never too late to commit to a healthier life. Sometimes it can be difficult, but with a little persistence you can find a way of life that allows you to be your best at all times. If you want to reorganize your life, your health and your happiness, I would love to help and guide you through this process.
1 I am the mother of a little girl full of energy and who teaches me to be a better person every day. She is the best thing that ever happened to me and also the most challenging
2 I don't like to cook. It used to be a hobby, but at this stage in my life, when I need to cook every day, it is no longer one of my favorite activities. Because of this, and because I don't dispense with healthy meals, all the dishes I prepare have to be practical and quick. I don't know what I would do without my food processor!
3 I love to exercise, especially running. I know this might be annoying if you are one of those people who doesn't like to exercise, but believe me, I didn't always. When I found a physical activity that I liked, I decided to make exercise an integral part of my life and that's when it became ingrained in my DNA. We can all achieve this
4 Despite being a mother, I still enjoy a good night out. I consider it important to have a balanced life. Most of the time I eat mostly plant-based meals, sleep early, and do sports regularly. There are other days when I do everything backwards and still have a cocktail or two. I believe that without committing these small 'infractions', it is difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the long run. That said, if I were a drink, the best way to describe myself would be a green juice - which sometimes might contain a shot of vodka 😉
5 I also love going to restaurants. When I eat out, I never deprive myself of anything, but always with a lot of conscience, there are things that I only eat in certain occasions