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Thyroid treatment

A long-term solution for your health. Schedule your consultation today.


The thyroid is a gland located at the base of the neck just below the "Adam's apple", and consists of two lobes joined by a central part. Its function is to produce and release into the bloodstream two hormones, tri-iodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4 or thyroxine).

These hormones are essential for the normal functioning of the body, through the control/speed of the metabolism of the cells. They are, therefore, essential in the growth and development of the body, regulate body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure, the functioning of the intestines, weight control, moods, among other functions.

Its activity is regulated by other hormones produced by glands located in the brain that detect the blood levels of thyroid hormones and thus stimulate the thyroid gland to secrete more or less hormones as needed.

The most important thyroid hormone is thyroxine (T4), which when outside the thyroid is converted into the active form known as T3. And, the more T3 it produces, the faster the metabolism. A slow metabolism means that calories are not burned as efficiently as possible, making it easier to gain weight.

The shortage of this hormone means the failure of the functions mentioned above.


The thyroid can be affected by several diseases, more generally more common in women. The main diseases are: Goiter, presence of nodules, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and the autoimmune diseases such as Graves' Disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, which result from the body's own production of antibodies that can stimulate or destroy the gland.

Thus, we have:

  • Hyperthyroidism: most commonly caused by Graves' disease and is an overproduction of thyroid hormones;
  • Hypothyroidism: results from an underproduction of thyroid hormone;
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis: common cause of hypothyroidism. In this autoimmune disorder, the body attacks the thyroid tissue, which stops producing hormones, and eventually dies.

Symptoms and causes

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • Hair loss or thinning hair;
  • Depression
  • Constipation
  • High Cholesterol
  • Edema
  • Fatigue
  • Mental fog or a feeling of having a cloud over your head
  • Poor vision
  • Weight Gain
  • Poor circulation and numbness in hands and feet
  • Chronic digestive problems
  • Dry / brittle skin and hair
  • Morning headaches

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:

  • Fine and brittle hair
  • Squinty-eyed
  • Increased sweating
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Tremors
  • Diarrhea
  • Enlarged thyroid

Evaluating the symptoms allows you to see what kind of change is present.


Hypothyroidism is seven times more common in women than in men. Low thyroid function is almost always secondary to some other condition, such as adrenal stress.

In more than 80% of cases of active thyroiditis, it is likely that the person has a form of autoimmune thyroiditis called Hashimoto's. It happens, as with any autoimmune condition, when the body attacks its own cells - in this case, the thyroid cells - in an autoimmune reaction.

Thyroid treatment

One of the main problems with thyroid health is the fact that standard tests are not very reliable to provide a complete picture. Another issue, is the fact that often the symptoms presented are attributed to depression and menopause, which leads to women often going undiagnosed and receiving other conventional treatments.

In our clinic we take a functional approach to assessing the health of the thyroid gland. And to that end, it would be ideal to bring to the appointment your latest blood work that includes: Free T3, free T4, TSH, total T4, total T3, thyroid antibodies and T3 uptake, along with adrenal hormone and iodine tests.

Our Role

First of all, our role in thyroid treatment is:

  • evaluate and identify any thyroid imbalances;
  • observe foods that can inhibit its function, deficiencies in minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and often most importantly,
  • analyze adrenal stress;

And then correct these imbalances with lifestyle changes, nutritional and herbal treatments.

For pricing and scheduling information, see the 'frequently asked questions' section below.


Thyroid treatment

Schedule your consultation today

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the follow-up work?

At the beginning of the treatment, face-to-face consultations are usually every 4 weeks. It is not advisable to space it out much more than that.

Support is offered for questions that may arise after the consultations via Whatsapp or email. We like to follow our patients closely, especially at the beginning of the treatment. This way, the results are better.

Is the consultation for thyroid treatment tailored to my needs?

All our treatments are deeply focused on individualized care, this one is no exception. Thyroid treatment, as indicated in the previous question, is prescribed depending on the patient's current health condition.

No two prescriptions are the same, each person is unique and their current state of health is the sum of all their experiences.

The results of treatment vary depending on the individual, as well as the problem being treated. In some cases you can get quick results, while in others it may take several months or longer. As a general rule, the longer you have had the health problem, the longer you will need the treatment.


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Satisfied Customers

After having my second child, and with bad eating habits, I gained a lot of weight. With the support I had at the Clinic I managed to lose 7 kilos and now I feel great! Thank you all.

Fatima (38 Years Old)


I always had many difficulties sleeping, I tried many therapies, but only with Dr. Michelle's help I discovered what a good night's sleep is. I am today a different person and with much more energy.

Carla (45 Years Old)


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