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Food Intolerances

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What is Food Intolerance?

Food Intolerance, unlike Food Allergy, does not involve an immune response. Food intolerance can occur only due to the lack of an enzyme necessary for the digestion of a component/part of a food. Most reactions are dose-dependent and their evolution is gradual and of low reactivity.

The detailed clinical history of the individual is the best tool to obtain the diagnosis, although there are some complementary tests, such as: 

  • Breathing Test
    • levels of hydrogen and/or methane, which result from the fermentation of microorganisms when there is malabsorption, are measured;
    • this test is scientifically valid.
  • Specific IgG or IgG4:
    • is done through blood collection;
    • in this case, the dosage of these immunoglobulins is done;
    • This test is not only expensive, but can lead to false positives.
  • Electrodermal testing:
    • is the measurement of electromagnetic frequency changes when the body reacts to a certain stimulus;
    • are not recognized by many health care organizations worldwide.


Hypersensitivity caused by the lack of enzymes necessary for the digestion of certain foods can cause gastrointestinal upset, gas, nausea, or diarrhea.

Thus the symptoms are quite general and unspecific, among which are the following:

  • Abdominal distention;
  • Flatulence;
  • Heartburn;
  • Fatigue;
  • General malaise;
  • Headaches;
  • Acne;
  • Rosacea;
  • Constipation/diarrhea;
  • Joint pain.

Causes of intolerance

Food intolerance is related to the deficiency or absence of enzymes that are necessary for the digestion of food.They are usuallylinked to elements present in the food, such as lactose, which is one of the most common intolerances. In this case, it happens due to the absence or minimal production of lactase (enzyme), which degrades this sugar present in dairy products.

Food Intolerance

Although all foods can cause adverse reaction, there are foods that are more prone, namely: 

  • Gluten: protein present in some cereals such as wheat, spelt wheat, rye, and barley;
  • Fructose: sugar present in fruit or in syrups;
  • Sulfites: present in wine, but also used as an additive in numerous foods (identified on the nutrition label by E-220 - E228, except E225);
  • FOS: is a group of carbohydrates that we have difficulty absorbing and are highly fermentable.

A Nutrição Funcional no Tratamento da Intolerância Alimentar

Functional Nutrition plays a direct role both in identifying the food that causes intolerance and all the discomfort associated with it. It is necessary to adapt the food plan to the person's needs, so that there is no malnutrition or even unnecessary dietary restriction.

Thus, the symptoms are alleviated, improving the person's quality of life.

In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, nutrition counseling allows:

  • Reduce worries about the problem;
  • Indications for tasty and healthy recipes: from quick and easy to more elaborate dishes;
  • Plan meals to get all the nutrients;
  • Indications of cookbooks;
  • Practical advice to equip you for real life (example: how to eat socially, eat out);
  • Confidence in separating what is fact and what is fiction;
  • Variety: learn about dozens of new and interesting foods;
  • Ongoing support that you can rely on.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does a first consultation consist of?

The goal of the first consultation is to understand the current health condition, in as much detail as possible, in particular:

  • analysis of the entire family history, diet, physical activity, mental health, and weight;
  • analysis of signs and symptoms and history of laboratory tests;
  • anthropometry: weight, measurements and fat percentage;
  • goal setting (action plan);
  • In some cases, additional tests will be requested between the first and the second visit;
  • prescription for supplementation, when necessary.

The first consultation lasts approximately one hour.

Is the consultation for the treatment of food intolerances tailored to my needs?

All our treatments are deeply focused on individualized care, this one is no exception. Treatment for food intolerances, as indicated in the previous question, is prescribed according to the patient's current health condition.

No two prescriptions are alike, each person is unique and their current state of health is the sum total of their experiences.

How does the follow-up work?

At the beginning of the treatment, face-to-face consultations are usually every 4 weeks. It is not advisable to space it out much more than that.

Support is offered for questions that may arise after the consultations via Whatsapp or email. We like to follow our patients closely, especially at the beginning of the treatment. This way, the results are better.


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Satisfied Customers

After having my second child, and with bad eating habits, I gained a lot of weight. With the support I had at the Clinic I managed to lose 7 kilos and now I feel great! Thank you all.

Fatima (38 Years Old)


I always had many difficulties sleeping, I tried many therapies, but only with Dr. Michelle's help I discovered what a good night's sleep is. I am today a different person and with much more energy.

Carla (45 Years Old)


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