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What is Cosmelan®?

O tratamento Cosmelan ® é um dos tratamentos de despigmentação mais eficazes, reduzindo a pigmentação em até 90-95%.

Cosmelan ® é um tratamento tópico de clareamento da pele que reduz melasma e manchas escuras. A sua fórmula, revolucionária, foi desenvolvida para alcançar a máxima eficácia e garantir a tolerância ideal. Ou seja, atua nas células responsáveis pela pigmentação da pele, inibindo a produção de melanina nas áreas pigmentadas e, assim, reduzindo, ou clareando, as manchas.

É, atualmente, um dos tratamentos de clareamento da pele mais vendidos no mundo. Permite uma combinação eficaz de tratamento profissional (feito em ambiente de clínica médica), e de manutenção em casa.

For whom is it indicated?

Cosmelan Depigmentation Peeling is indicated for skin with hyperpigmentation caused by different factors, including:

  • Hormonal factors, such as pregnancy and birth control pills;
  • Sun damage;
  • Pigmentation caused by aging.

It is also suitable for people suffering from melasma where most lasers cannot treat it and need an effective peel for more effective results.

This treatment is up to 95% effective in treating senile (age) spots, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation.

For those suffering from severe hyperpigmentation, we recommend the Dermamelan® depigmenting treatment.

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Passo a passo do Cosmelan

  1. O tratamento Cosmelan® começa com uma consulta de avaliação.
  2. During this consultation the therapist will evaluate your skin and answer any questions you may have.
  3. O treatment is done in parts:
    • begins with a pre-peeling;
    • then a treatment peel;
    • and a care regimen at home.
  4. Results. After the first week or two of treatment the appearance of the skin is visibly improved. The spots become lighter and less noticeable, while the skin looks younger and brighter.

Important: Throughout the treatment you will notice/feel flaking, redness and soreness for 2 to 4 weeks while the skin improves in appearance and eliminates or reduces pigmentation. Individual results may vary.


  • 1 Sessão Cosmelan®: 400€

Satisfied Customers

After having my second child, and with bad eating habits, I gained a lot of weight. With the support I had at the Clinic I managed to lose 7 kilos and now I feel great! Thank you all.

Fatima (38 Years Old)


I always had many difficulties sleeping, I tried many therapies, but only with Dr. Michelle's help I discovered what a good night's sleep is. I am today a different person and with much more energy.

Carla (45 Years Old)


The little details make all the difference


Frequently Asked Questions

Quantos sessões de Cosmelan são necessárias?

O Peeling de Despigmentação Cosmelan envolve apenas um tratamento em ambiente de clínica, sendo os restantes em regime domiciliar.

Is the Cosmelan depigmentation peeling painful?

The procedure itself is not painful, you may have some discomfort, however, as the skin will be hot and tingling after the treatment. The same can happen when applying the home treatment. You will also experience peeling of the skin during the home care period.

Is Cosmelan depigmentation peeling safe?

The treatment has been formulated to be completely safe for you, and your skin.

What is the recovery time?

This treatment requires recovery time. That is, there is some downtime involved with this treatment, as it has after effects that include skin peeling, redness, dryness, and discomfort during the home care regimen.

We will always be on hand to help throughout the process, and to monitor your progress.

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