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Transform Your Health


The primary role of the naturopath is to bring out or enhance the innate healing power within his or her patients. The seven fundamental principles of naturopathic medicine are as follows:

  1. The healing power of nature (vis medicatrix nature)
  2. First do no harm (primum non nocere)
  3. Treat the whole person
  4. Preventive medicine
  5. Wellness
  6. Doctor as a teacher

Naturopathy encompasses a dynamic approach to assessing, preventing, and treating complex chronic disease. It identifies health as a positive vitality – not merely the absence of disease – and emphasize those factors that encourage a vigorous physiology.

Why should you consult with a naturopath?

If you find yourself:

  • Struggling with uncomfortable symptoms;
  • Sick and tired of not knowing what to eat;
  • Staying up late researching health symptoms;
  • Constantly feeling overwhelmed, tired, stressed and foggy;
  • Frustrated because no one seems to be able to provide answers;
  • Seeking a thorough evidence-based approach, where a Naturopath works along with (and not against) Medical Doctors;
  • Needing a clear and simple treatment plan that doesn’t just address the symptoms with lots of supplements, but addresses the true cause.

You’re in the right place if any of this resonates with you. Regardless of our individual circumstances, most of us want to live a happy and healthy life and we want to help you get there.

Naturopathy consultation

In our clinic, we strive for a Naturopathic consultation to be an engaging experience where clients feel comfortable about discussing their health concerns and then jointly agreeing on a treatment plan. We’ve reimagined healthcare to bring you a personalised, results-focused healthcare experience, giving you all the tools and support you need to feel happy and healthy in your body.

Our practitioner uses the principles of Naturopathy with the latest scientific insights and clinical tools to deliver cutting-edge, personalised healthcare, to address the root causes of many common ailments and chronic diseases. Our consultations are based around the client as an individual with a unique set of health concerns and goals to provide an integrative approach to identify factors that may be impacting to the overall health of the individual.

How do we achieve results for our naturopathy clients?

  • We aim to identify the cause of your concerns;
  • We offer an individualised and evidence based care plan;
  • We prescribe naturopathic care focused on how you think, eat and live and not only on supplements;
  • We work  towards long lasting good health. Once we have repaired imbalance, our goal is to keep you well.

A naturopath can help with: autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, digestive discomfort, fatigue, hormone imbalance, insomnia, immune dysfunction, mental health, skin complaints, thyroid health, undiagnosed conditions and weight management.

Book your appointment today

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Inicial Appointment: 120€
  • Follow Up Appointment: 100€
Michelle Bond

Michelle Bond

Michelle is an experienced clinical naturopath and nutritionist. She is passionate about helping her patients achieve a healthier, happier, more productive life.

Michelle believes there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to treating her patients and that, in order to achieve good health, it needs to be your highest priority. Her mission is to help her patients throughout this journey.

She graduated in Naturopathy at the Australasian College of Natural Therapies, part of Torrens University, in Sydney, Australia (2009).

Licence Number: 3773

Learn more

Treatments where naturopathy can help

Saiba como em cada um deles!


Depois de ter o meu segundo filho, e de maus hábitos alimentares, ganhei muito peso. Com o acompanhamento que tive na Clínica consegui perder 7 quilos e agora sinto-me muito bem! Obrigado a todos.

Fátima (38 Anos)


Sempre tive muitas dificuldades em dormir, tentei muitas terapias mas só com a ajuda da Dra Michelle é que descobri o que é uma boa noite de sono. Sou hoje uma pessoa diferente e com muito mais energia.

Carla (45 Anos)


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