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Dieta Paleo

O que é uma dieta Paleo?

As plantas e os animais incluem tudo o que os nossos antepassados comiam (de uma enorme lista de alimentos individuais) para obter proteínas, gorduras, hidratos de carbono, vitaminas, minerais, antioxidantes, fibras e outros nutrientes necessários para manter a saúde.

A dieta paleo concentra-se em fontes de qualidade de proteínas animais, sejam elas fontes orgânicas, biológicas ou selvagens de carne, aves e peixe. E numa variedade de vegetais coloridos, frutos frescos e em fontes saudáveis de gordura (oleaginosas, sementes, nas suas manteigas derivadas, certos óleos, abacate, etc.).

Por que deve-se evitar os cereais e produtos processados?

De um modo geral os cereais, e produtos processados, são inapropriados para o consumo humano, pela simples razão de que o nosso sistema digestivo e os nossos genes não tiveram tempo suficiente para se adaptar à estrutura proteica dos cereais nem à excessiva carga de hidratos de carbono de todas as formas de cereais cultivados, incluindo os cereais integrais.

Como emagrecer com a dieta Paleo?

Para emagrecer com a dieta Paleo, os alimentos a evitar devem ser são os cereais processados (produtos com trigo e farinha, tais como pão, massas, bolachas, o arroz, o milho, os flocos, etc.). Na fase de emagrecimento deve evitar-se os alimentos naturais ricos em hidratos de carbono como a batata e a banana.

Não se pode reduzir a gordura corporal numa dieta que estimule níveis excessivos de produção de insulina.

Quais são as vantagens de uma dieta Paleo?

As vantagens de uma alimentação Paleo são:

  • conseguir-se controlar o peso;
  • atrasar o envelhecimento;
  • e sentir-se saudável, em forma e energético.

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Como funciona o acompanhamento?

O acompanhamento é geralmente de 4 em 4 semanas.

Ofereço apoio para dúvidas que possam surgir após as consultas (1 email ou 1 chamada telefónica). Gosto de acompanhar os meus pacientes de perto, principalmente no início do tratamento. Dessa forma, os resultados são melhores.

A dieta Paleo é eficaz?

Sim, é eficaz. O objetivo da dieta paleo, para o emagrecimento, é reduzir os níveis de insulina e deste modo usar a própria gordura do corpo como combustível, enquanto mantém os níveis de satisfação alimentar e evita sofrer os efeitos negativos da restrição calórica rigorosa.

Theresa AdeyemiTheresa Adeyemi
13:00 14 Sep 24
A bit inexperienced. My first appointment was cancelled about an hour before my appointment due to lack of communication on their side.I experienced skin irritation from the skin products sold to me and one of the them looked off (probably a bad patch).I made a complaint to the clinic and questioned the authenticity of their products but they weren't very helpful.They couldn't prove proof , their products were authentic. This is not a cheap skin treatment. I ordered the same products directly from the manufacturer, the consistency of the products was different from the ones I got from this clinic.Please don't waste your time and money at the clinic. You are better off going to a reputable clinic in Lisbon!Edit: Since I can't let me reply your message, I shall continue here. First of all , are you a authorised stockist?When I had my doubts I check the official website for the authorised stockist. I don't remember seeing the name of your company.Also I have been with in touch with the company, I sent photos of the products you sent me with the barcode with the name of your clinic.They think it's not a legitimate product. I was warned me of fakes out there and only to pay from authorised stockists.I can posted the email here if you want. Your reply confirms my thoughts on how inexperienced you are and lacking good customer service.I purchased a product from you , I wasn't happy with it. I made a complaint about it ( I asked for you to resolve the issue but you declined).Now you tell me it's my job to contact the manufacturer. When I paid to use your clinic, it is because I put my trust in your products and services.Well I did what you suggested,I approached the company directly and they couldn't vouch for the products you sold to me.Also I am posting the cream I bought from your clinic and the one I purchased directly from the company. Looks complete different from product I purchased from you. Yours is on the left. I also noticed the lids are different.Waiting to hear from your legal team.Reply 14/09/2024I visited your clinic around 23/24 of April. I was advised to purchase another jar as one jar won't last the duration of my treatment.I was told to except some mild irritation when it got worse in the summer I contacted you BECAUSE I purchased the product from you! I offered to even send the products back which you decline and didn't offer any solution to the problem. The skin irritation worsened, that why I contacted your clinic. A well experienced skin specialist is aware skin irritation can occur at anytime thing for different reasons when you are on a treatment recommended for six to 9 months but I guess you are not.I don't know what you mean by six months timeframe, April to July is not six months, is it?I had to stop using your products and take a break from Cosmelan . This month I decided to go back but this time I decided to buy directly from the manufacturer due to my experience with your clinic.I examined the product you sold and what the manufacturer sold to me, completely different products. At this point I opened the second unused jar you sold me, you can clearly see that in the photos I provided yesterday.I ask the manufacturer for their advice, they asked for the name of your clinic and barcode of the product you sold to me , they couldn't find it on the system.You claimed you are an authorised stockist but I don't see the name of your clinic on their website. I was told by the manufacturer to only buy from authorised stockist listed on their website!I have provided you with more than enough information. You are yet to provide me with the information I requested. Why are you not listed as a authorised stockist on their website?This information is readily available on the mesoestetic website but the name of your clinic is not listed.If the manufacturer advised me only to buy from authorised stockists on their website why should I trust your product if your clinic is not on the list?My review still stands!
13:30 09 Sep 24
I had a great experience at this clinic. Renata is very professional! The place itself is clean and modern.Highly recommended!And thank you again for your work.
Raquel GuerreiroRaquel Guerreiro
23:05 24 Jul 24
I went in not sure of the best treatment for my skin. Elis Regina was absolutely fantastic! After explaining the pros and cons of all the possible treatments we chose the most indicated in my case and she did an amazing job. Throughout the treatment she was always very attentive, explaining everything and making sure I was comfortable. I will for sure be back 🙂
Fernanda FerreiraFernanda Ferreira
12:35 20 Jun 24
I visited the clinic only once but I was positivily impressed. Teresa is very kind and welcoming. I had a Plasma Jet treatment in my eyelids with Fran. This was the first time ever I did such a procedure of advanced aesthetic and was quite nervous about it. Fran explained everything and was super mindful thoughtout the whole process about my needs. The clinic overal is very clean, modern and with acessible prices for advanced treatments. I recommend and will come back!
Asuka WatanabeAsuka Watanabe
10:28 06 Mar 24
I used to go there for 6 months. My former aesthetician was very nice and sweet. Their receptionist is very kind and responsible. However, the new aesthetician was terrible. She was in the room all the time even while I was changing, with no privacy. My massage table was vibrating every time her phone rang. It was a one-hour treatment but I was called 15 minutes late and left the room 15 minutes early including changing time. The attachment of the radio-frequency machine was cold, which was supposed to be warm. She didn’t give me a treatment around my mouth and neck. The attachment didn’t touch my forehead properly. Never again.

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