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Cellulite Treatment

Tratamento para Celulite: Descubra Soluções Eficazes

Explore nossas avançadas opções de tratamento para celulite na clínica, para uma redução eficaz e duradoura:


Qual é o preço das sessões de tratamento para celulite?

LPG Endermologie
  • 1 sessão: 65€
  • 4 Sessions: 240€.
  • 8 Sessões: 440€
TriLipo Tripolar Radiofrequency
  • 1 Sessão em Zona Média (culote, contorno do glúteo): 59€
  • 4 Sessões: 219€
  • 1 Sessão em Zona Grande (coxas interna e externa, glúteos): 65€
  • 4 Sessões: 239€
  • 1 sessão: 45€
  • 4 sessões: 159€
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
  • 1 sessão: 59€
  • 4 sessões: 219€
Modeling Massage
  • 1ª sessão: 59€
  • 4 sessões: 219€
  • 1st session: from 110€.
  • Pacote com 4 sessões: 360€

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Qual tratamento para celulite é o mais indicado para mim?

Before indicating the treatments for each case, it is worth knowing that there are 3 grades of cellulite classification, which are:

tratamento para celulite

  • Cellulite grade 1: are visible only with the pinching maneuver (compressing a small part of the body between the fingers) or just by palpating the skin;
  • Cellulite grade 2: Cellulite can be visible in body movement or even in ambient light;
  • Cellulite grade 3: the famous and popularized term "Orange Peel", because that is what the skin looks like at this stage, thanks to the formation of nodules.

Learn which treatments are appropriate for each degree of cellulite:

  • Grau 1:
    • Endermologia LPG, Pressoterapia, Drenagem Linfática Manual e Massagem Anti-Celulite
  • Grau 2:
    • Endermologia LPG, Radiofrequência, Pressoterapia, Mesoterapia, Drenagem Linfática Manual e Massagem Anti-Celulite
  • Grau 3
    • Endermologia LPG, Radiofrequência e Mesoterapia

Detalhes dos Tratamentos para Celulite

LPG Endermologie

Quebra os depósitos de gordura, melhora a aparência da pele e reduz a retenção de líquidos, resultando em uma redução visível da celulite e uma pele mais suave e firme ao longo do tempo. Além disso, a massagem mecânica promovida pela endermologia pode ajudar a estimular a produção de colágeno e elastina, o que também contribui para melhorar a elasticidade e a textura da pele.

Tripolar Radiofrequency

Ajuda a reduzir a aparência das ondulações, promovendo a quebra das células de gordura e estimulando a drenagem linfática, o que reduz o inchaço e melhora a circulação sanguínea na região afetada. Como resultado, a pele fica mais lisa, firme e tonificada, reduzindo visivelmente a celulite ao longo do tempo.


Reduz a retenção de líquidos, que é um fator contribuinte para a formação da celulite. Além disso, a pressoterapia promove a quebra das células de gordura e melhora a elasticidade da pele, resultando em uma redução visível da celulite e uma pele mais lisa e firme ao longo do tempo.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

In this treatment the movements are gentle and repetitive and reduce fluid retention.

Anti-Cellulite Massage

It reshapes the silhouette, reduces measures by eliminating body swelling, accentuates body curves, improves tissue oxygenation, and acts against cellulite.


Um tratamento que envolve a aplicação de pequenas injeções contendo substâncias específicas diretamente na região afetada pela celulite. Ajudam a quebrar as células de gordura, melhorar a circulação sanguínea e estimular a produção de colágeno e elastina na pele.

At the Michelle Bond Clinic, mesotherapy is administered by doctors only.

Satisfied Customers

After having my second child, and with bad eating habits, I gained a lot of weight. With the support I had at the Clinic I managed to lose 7 kilos and now I feel great! Thank you all.

Fatima (38 Years Old)


I always had many difficulties sleeping, I tried many therapies, but only with Dr. Michelle's help I discovered what a good night's sleep is. I am today a different person and with much more energy.

Carla (45 Years Old)


Get rid of unwanted cellulite

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the contraindications?

Contraindications vary depending on the treatment, namely:

LPG Endermologie TriLipo Tripolar Radiofrequency
  • pregnancy
  • thromboses
  • infectious and progressive diseases
  • skin diseases
  • heart diseases
  • kidney disease
  • hepatitis
  • cancer
  • diabetes
  • acute infections or inflammations
  • circulatory problems
  • pregnancy
  • sensitivity changes
  • active herpes, on glands
  • febrile patients
  • scars
  • with infection in the treatment area
  • keloid
  • patients with pacemakers or internal defibrillators
  • use of Isotretinoin within the past 2 months
  • systemic cancer
  • do not apply on top of silicone prosthesis
  • inflammatory process and infectious focus
What causes cellulite?

Cellulite is a multifactorial problem and differs from person to person. Its appearance is influenced by fat, hormones, connective tissue, and lifestyle.

There are two types of fat:

  • Subcutaneous fat: it is inside the skin and is present in every centimeter of the integumentary system. It is the type of fat that forms cellulite;
  • Reserve fat: is the type of fat that makes people look fat, since it is found in the hips, abdominal region, buttocks, and thighs.

The main differences between these two types of fat is that subcutaneous fat is organized. Together with collagen and elastin fibers, they form the connective tissue that works to structure and firm the skin. The cells in subcutaneous fat are resistant to diet and exercise, and seem to be affected by hormonal changes.

The sequence of events to form cellulite is as follows:

  1. Expansion of the fat cells in the subcutaneous layer in response to signals sent by hormones;
  2. Changes in the structure of the connective tissue that forms the holes in the skin;
  3. Retention of fluid due to congestion in the circulation causing swelling;
  4. Calcification of the collagen and elastin fibers leaving the cellulite fibrous.

Reserve fat is not organized and responds to diet and physical activity. Its main function is to store excess calories. This is the fat that is first removed in liposuction.

What should I do if I want to start a treatment to eliminate cellulite?

The first step is to schedule a free evaluation to see the areas to be treated, and to clarify any questions you may have about the treatment.

How long do the results last? Is maintenance necessary?

Generally, the results of cellulite treatments last from 6 to 12 months. However, it should be noted that the duration of the results varies from person to person. It also depends on hormonal factors, lifestyle, and the structure of the skin, which determines how pronounced the cellulite can become.

As far as whether or not to do maintenance is up to the client. We recommend 1-2 sessions per month to maintain results. However, some people decide not to do these maintenance sessions, but to come back to the treatments when they feel uncomfortable with cellulite again.

What is the role of diet and physical activity in the treatment of cellulite?

I always tell my clients that the more they take care of their diet and exercise regularly, the less they will have to worry about beauty treatments. These two factors are also essential to maintain the results achieved with the treatments.

The clients who get the best results are those who are physically active and do not eat sweets, processed food, and foods high in carbohydrates.

If necessary and of the client's interest, we also have nutrition consultations.

What we use for cellulite treatments

Learn how in each one!


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