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Facial Harmonisation

What is facial harmonisation?

Facial harmonisation is a set of facial filling techniques indicated for those who wish to improve the appearance of their face, both for men and women. Its great advantage is that it is a non-invasive procedure.

Facial harmonisation aims to improve the balance between certain regions of the face, whether it is the nose, chin, teeth, or cheek region. It promotes, in this way, the alignment and correction of facial angles, enhancing the beauty and harmony of the face, or just enhances existing features.

Through a careful analysis of the face, and respecting its distances and angles, fillings are indicated in certain areas, always with the goal of giving more balance and symmetry to the face. In this way, we enhance your natural beauty, with the commitment of following the anatomy standards, without exaggerations or radical changes in the face.

At our clinic, the doctors on our team are caring and committed to delivering exceptional, patient-centered service.

Which areas can be treated?

As already mentioned, this procedure on the face, aims to improve the balance between certain regions of the face, such as the nose, chin, teeth or malar region

Thus, and after an analysis of your facial proportions, the doctor will determine a personalized treatment plan that is in accordance with your anatomy, based on the areas that are in disharmony.

The facial harmonization plan may include:

  • Lips: lengthen or volumize them;
  • Malar: Define or increase the projection of the cheekbones;
  • Jaw: lengthen, define, or increase the angle;
  • Chin: Increase the width, height, or projection of the chin;
  • Nose: tip (raise or lower), back (align or increase its width);
  • Eyebrows: elevate them.

Important note: facial harmonisation when not performed by a qualified professional, or when the technique is not performed correctly, may have some risks associated with it. So, make sure you have it done in qualified clinics and with specialized doctors.

The treatment step by step

  1. Evaluation / first appointment. Make an appointment for an evaluation. During this appointment you will have the opportunity to discuss your treatment and the results you want to achieve with our medical specialist.
  2. Treatment. It begins with cleaning and disinfecting the skin. Next, a topical or local anesthetic is applied, and then the treatment is performed. The number of applications required and the points where they will be applied are defined according to the initial goal. Each treatment session lasts approximately 30-60 minutes.
  3. Post-treatment / results. The result of the treatment can be visible immediately, but it will be better after a few days, once the small swelling and bruising has subsided. It is necessary to wait 15-30 days for a new evaluation to see if retouching is needed.

Note: side effects are normal and can last an average of 48 hours.



  • 350€
Anti-Wrinkle Injection | facial harmonization

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long do the results last?

The duration of the results is on average about 6 - 12 months, depending on the type of product used. However, the lifestyle of the person also has an impact on the durability of this procedure, as does the day to day skin care.

Is any care needed before the procedure?

Some cosmetic products are contraindicated before and after the procedure, as is the case with some aesthetic treatments. For this reason, during the first evaluation appointment, your health and skin care history will be taken into account to understand if there are any contraindications.

What is the post-procedure care?

After treatment, the skin may become inflamed and sensitive, improving in 24-48 hours. Rarely, allergic reactions to the product may occur, such as redness and itching, which can be treated with topical anti-inflammatory drugs or oral tablets, as directed by your doctor.

It is a procedure that does not require much time for recovery. However, it is recommended to use sunscreen and avoid excessive exposure to the sun, as well as to avoid intense physical activities during the recovery period (day of the procedure). The day after the procedure, normal activities can be resumed, requiring no more rest.

What are the contraindications?

The procedure is contraindicated for patients who are allergic to the product components, pregnant and lactating women, and people with neuromuscular diseases.


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After having my second child, and with bad eating habits, I gained a lot of weight. With the support I had at the Clinic I managed to lose 7 kilos and now I feel great! Thank you all.

Fatima (38 Years Old)


I always had many difficulties sleeping, I tried many therapies, but only with Dr. Michelle's help I discovered what a good night's sleep is. I am today a different person and with much more energy.

Carla (45 Years Old)
