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Plasma Jet

What is the Plasma Jet?

O Jato de Plasma é um procedimento estético inovador, capaz de reparar a pele e estimular a produção de colagénio, no corpo ou no rosto.

É considerado um dos processos mais eficazes para rejuvenescer o rosto, especialmente na área dos olhos, e para corrigir problemas nas pálpebras caídas (blefaroplastia sem cortes). Também é indicado para redução de rugas, marcas de expressão, estrias, cicatrizes, flacidez no pescoço, manchas senis, pintas, melanoses e verrugas, acne, entre outros.

How does it work?

The treatment is performed quickly and painlessly, with no need for surgery and no downtime.

This revolutionary new technology uses plasma to contract and firm the fibers within the skin. There are no scalpels or lasers involved. Instead, the device emits a small electric arc (that never touches the skin), which:

  • results in increased production of collagen and elastin;
  • improves the microcirculation in the skin;
  • reduces keloid; and yet
  • facilitates the entry of actives into the skin.

This plasma arc vaporizes the area by ionizing the gas in the air, which creates heat deep within the skin. The heat reaches the fibroblast cells, stimulating them to firm, tone and lift the skin without damaging it.


Unlike many other aesthetic treatments, with Plasma Jet there are no open wounds. As a result, there are fewer side effects and the healing process is much faster.

Soon after treatment, you will already start to notice the difference in your skin. Small dry patches or scabs will form in the treatment area, which will disappear within a week. Treatments around the eye area may take longer, a period of 8 to 10 days, as this area is more sensitive.

After the treatment it is essential to take some care, which will be indicated at the time of treatment (see FAQ), such as the use of sunscreen, and avoid sun exposure. And, depending on the treated area, it may be necessary to apply anti-inflammatory ointment and/or specific cream, already at home and daily, so that you have a healthy and safe recovery.

Once the skin heals, it will look younger and more radiant. The most important thing to note is that these results are permanent, and one treatment is all you need. However, if you are looking for "stronger" results, you can repeat the procedure again, after an interval period of three months. But as indicated, the results of the Plasma Jet are long-lasting, so you only need to repeat the treatment later if your skin gives way further with age.

Recovery Process

The recovery process for this procedure goes through 3 stages:

  • Inflammatory phase: 1 to 4 days (there may be swelling/edema, redness, and feeling of dry skin due to cauterization);
  • Proliferative phase: 5 to 20 days (regeneration);
  • Maturation phase: this is the last phase of healing/repairing of the tissue, which begins on the 21st day and can last for months. As the days go by, the skin heals naturally.

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For whom is it indicated?

O Jato de Plasma é ideal para clientes que desejam tratar problemas de pele geralmente resolvidos com cirurgia e agulhas. Na Clínica Michelle Bond, utilizamos uma abordagem não invasiva e não cirúrgica para tratar diversos problemas de pele, como:

Important note: in order for you to undergo this procedure you need a previous evaluation consultation, to rule out any contraindication (see FAQ).


Os preços do tratamento estético Jato de Plasma variam conforme a área tratada e o número de sessões. Aqui estão alguns valores de referência:

  • Removal of moles and warts: from 60
  • Eyelid lift (non-surgical blepharoplasty): from 185 euros
  • Wrinkles: from 70
  • Stretch marks: from 80
  • Other areas: price upon request
aesthetic treatment with plasma jet

Satisfied Customers

After having my second child, and with bad eating habits, I gained a lot of weight. With the support I had at the Clinic I managed to lose 7 kilos and now I feel great! Thank you all.

Fatima (38 Years Old)


I always had many difficulties sleeping, I tried many therapies, but only with Dr. Michelle's help I discovered what a good night's sleep is. I am today a different person and with much more energy.

Carla (45 Years Old)


The little details make all the difference


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the contraindications?

This innovative device excellently treats even the most difficult areas, but may not be suitable for you if:

  • has a tendency to form scars;
  • has severe acne;
  • your skin is quite dark.

Therapy is contraindicated in:

  • bleeding areas or open wounds;
  • herpes labialis lesions;
  • pregnant or lactating women;
  • cardiopathic patients, who have pacemakers;
  • with neurostimulation devices;
  • with photosensitizing medication (e.g. isotretinoin); 
  • patients with metal implants;
  • patients with epilepsy;
  • patients with oncological history.
What is the care after the procedure?

On the day itself, it is recommended not to apply make-up to the area that is to be treated.

About 24 hours after the sessions you should use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 or higher, to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. In addition, it may be necessary to use a specific cream or ointment to aid healing, which will be recommended by the professional.

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